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Enhanced IFAK Level II: The Ultimate Tactical Trauma Kit for First Responders and Emergency Preparedness

Item #:9441

The Enhanced IFAK Level 2 is the most comprehensive IFAK kit we sell, specifically created for major wound management. This kit was designed for use on the front lines by professionals with training on the CAT Tourniquet such as combat units, and police as well as ems officers.

Dimensions: 7" x 7.5" x 2.5"






Israeli Bandage 4" or ETD Dressing 4" 1 Tape - 1" x 10 yds 1
Black Nitrile Gloves (pair) 2 ABD Pads - 5" x 9" 2
H&H Compress Gauze - 4.5" x 4 yds 1 Nasopharyngeal Airway with Lubricant 1
Asherman Chest Seal 1 Decompression Needle 1
CAT Tourniquet 1 EMT Shears 1

Available Options

Price: $117.95

Shipping Weight: 2.00

Minimum order: 1

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Enhanced IFAK Level II: The Ultimate Tactical Trauma Kit for First Responders and Emergency Preparedness - (9441)

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