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USKITS EMT Trauma Kit Bag - Large | Essential Gear for EMS and First Responders

Item #:79223

EMT (Emergency Medical Technician) kits are specialized sets of equipment and supplies designed to assist EMTs and other first responders in providing emergency medical care.

These kits are essential tools for managing a wide range of medical emergencies, from minor injuries to life-threatening conditions, in pre-hospital settings. 

This comprehensive kit covers many different aspects of EMT care.

- Trauma Care -
EMT kits are equipped with supplies to manage traumatic injuries such as wounds, fractures, burns, and bleeding. This includes items like bandages, dressings, wound closure materials (such as sutures or adhesive strips), splints, and burn dressings. EMTs use these supplies to stabilize patients with traumatic injuries and prevent further harm until they can be transported to a medical facility.

1x SWAT-T Tourniquet
1x Stainless Steel Tweezer 4.75"
1x EMT Shears 7.25"
1x Small EMT Shears 5.5"
25x Sponge Gauze 4" x 4" (2/pk)
3x Conforming Gauze 2" x 4.1 yds
3x Conforming Gauze 4" x 4.1 yds
2x Abdominal Pad 5" x 9"
2x Abdominal Pad 8" x 10"
1x Surgical Tape Clear 1" x 10 yds
1x Hemo Stat Straight SS 5"
1x 2" Clear Surgical Tape
2x Multitrauma Dressing 12" x 30"
1x Blood Clotting Spray
2x Burn Gel 4" x 4"
1x Burn Spray
1x View Guard Dressing 4" x 4 3/4"
2x Triangle Bandage

- Airway Management -
Maintaining a patent airway is critical in emergency medical situations. EMT kits typically include tools and devices for airway management, such as oral and nasal airways, suction devices, and oxygen delivery equipment. EMTs use these items to open and clear the airway, provide supplemental oxygen, and assist patients with breathing difficulties.

1x Airway Plastic 80mm
1x Airway Plastic 110mm

- Basic First Aid Care -

Basic first aid supplies are essential tools and materials used by EMTs to provide simpler levels of care for more common injuries.

2x Nitrile Gloves Pair
1x Penlight with pupil scale
10x Ammonia Towelette
10x Wipe Iodine
10x Wipe Alcohol
10x Triple Antibiotic packet
1x Bandage Strip 1" x 3" box of 100
2x Elastic Self Adhesive bandage Blk 3"
2x 2" Elastic Bandage
1x Splint Universal 4" x 36"
1x Cervical Collar
1x Emergency Blanket Silver
2x Ice Pack Small
2x Eye Pad
1x Eye Wash 1 oz
1x Finger Splint single
1x Insta Glucose
10x Wipe After Bite

- Medical test devices -
These devices will be used by or on the EMT first responder when helping patients out in the field.

1x Stethoscope
1x Blood Pressure Unit
1x CPR Face Shield Only
1x Instruction Book First Aid

- Kit Transportation -

1x Trauma Bag

* Contents pictured may vary slightly from content included *

Price: $189.95  $249.95

Shipping Weight: 10.00

Minimum order: 1

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