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Celox 4x4 Inch Hemostatic Gauze Pad for Effective Bleeding Control in Emergency Kits

Item #:11764

A person can bleed to death in as little as five minutes, therefore it is important to quickly stop the blood loss. However help from EMS responders may be too far away or may be prevented from access to casualties until the threat has been suppressed and the area is made safe. Public access to training and bleeding control equipment can empower the public to react to active shooter and active violence incidents, terrorism and mass casualty events to save valuable time in beginning to care for the injured. 


  • Works independent of the patient’s clotting cascade
  • Even clots hypothermic blood
  • Non-allergenic
  • Highest observed survival rates in US DoD tests
  • Safe and not mineral based; no non-degrading mineral ingredients (kaolin, smectite, or zeolite)


How Celox Works

Celox™ blood clotting granules are actually very high surface area flakes. When they come in contact with blood, Celox™ swells, gels, and sticks together to make a gel like plug, without generating any heat. Celox™ blood clotting agent does not set off the normal clotting cascade, it only clots the blood it comes directly into contact with.

This mode of action has a number of major benefits:

  • Clots blood treated with blood-thinning drugs (Heparin,  Warfarin or Coumadin.
  • No heat generated.
  • Clots hypothermic blood.
  • Celox is easily removed from the wound and residual material is naturally absorbed by the body

Price: $13.95

Shipping Weight: 1.00

Minimum order: 1

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Celox 4x4 Inch Hemostatic Gauze Pad for Effective Bleeding Control in Emergency Kits - (11764)

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