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Search and Rescue Kit: Essential Gear with Water Pouch for Emergency Response

Item #:545

This full-featured search and rescue - survival - first aid kit includes the following supplies:

Medical Supplies

4 - Bloodstoppers
2 - 4 x 4 Cool Blaze Jel
6 - Small Cool Blaze
3 - Sun X SPF30
3 - Small Ice Packs
3 - Triangular Bandages
6 - Surgi Pads 4 x 7
3 - 2 x 10 Tape
1 - Paramedic Scissors
12 - Non Adherent Pads
1 - Hydrogen Peroxide
1 - Eye Wash
10 - Ammonia Inhalants
25 - Large Patch Bandages
1 - CPR Mouth Piece
100 - Latex Gloves
2 - Medium Splints

Survival Supplies
2 - Yellow Paramedic Blankets
6 - Solar Blankets
1 - 8 x 10 Blue Tarp
1 - Solar Radio w/ Flashlight
6 - Adult Poncho
6 - 12 Hour Light sticks
5 - Emergency Candles
50 - Water proof Matches
6 - 3600 Calorie Food Ration
9 - 3 Pack (24 oz.) Aqua Blox H20

Personal Hygiene Kit
1 - Maxie Pad
1 - Kant Wait Toilet
2 - Toothbrush w/ paste
33 - Wet Naps (3 piece)
2 - Kleenex
1 - Toilet Paper

Search & Rescue
1 - Folding Shovel
2 - Flashlight
2 - 20 year Code Red Batteries (pair)
2 - 50 foot rope
10 - Dust Masks
1 - Utility Knife
1 - Vice Grips
1 - 14 n 1 Pocket Tool
1 - 10" Adjustable Wrench
1 - Gas Shut Off Tool
1 - 24" Pry Bar
1 - 50' Duct Tape
1 - 300' Caution Tape
2 - Safety Goggles
2 - Hard Hat
2 - Safety Vests
2 - Leather Palm Gloves

Our search and rescue kits are designed to provide essential tools and supplies for effective emergency response. These comprehensive rescue kits ensure you are prepared for any search and rescue operation. Trust our high-quality rescue kits for reliable performance in critical situations.

Price: $449.95

Shipping Weight: 63.00

Minimum order: 1

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Search and Rescue Kit: Essential Gear with Water Pouch for Emergency Response - (545)

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