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Gunshot Trauma Kit

Item #:11230

The Gunshot Trauma Kit designed to treat life threatening emergencies such as gunshot wounds prior to the arrival of EMS or transport to a medical facility.

This is an excellent kit to be used at a shooting range or anywhere firearms are present or a gunshot wound is possible.

Item Quantity  Item Quantity 
Bleedstop bandage 1 ABD Pads 5"x9"  2
4"x4" gauze sponge 8 QuikClot 1st Response 25g 2
Velket Velcro Tourniquet 1 CPR Face Shield 1
Petrolatum Gauze 3"x18" 1 Asherman Chest Seal 1
Pair Nitrile Gloves  2 BZK Antiseptic Wipe 4
Cohesive bdg. 3" 1 EMT Shears 1

Available Options

Price: $78.95

Shipping Weight: 2.00

Minimum order: 1

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Gunshot Trauma Kit - (11230)

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