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EMS Quick Action Trauma Kit

Item #:79252

EMS Quick Action Trauma Kit

1 x EMS Medic Response Bag

1 x Cyclone BVM

2 x C-A-T® (Combat Application Tourniquet®)

1 x ETD™ Abdominal Emergency Trauma Dressing

4 x ETD™ 6 in. Emergency Trauma Dressing

1 x HyFin® Vent Chest Seal Twin Pack

2 x Nasopharyngeal Airway 28F with Lubricant

5 x Nitrile Trauma Gloves, Pair

2 x ARS® Needle Decompression Kit (14 G x 3.25 in.)

2 x Polycarbonate Eye Shield

2 x SAM® Splint II

4 x S-Rolled Gauze™ (4.5 in. x 4.1 yd)

1 x Surgical Tape (2 in.)

1 x Tactical Suction Device

1 x Trauma Shears (7.25 in.)

2 x Triage Card

Dimensions: 8" x 7" x 9" 

Price: $348.95

Shipping Weight: 6.00

Minimum order: 1

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