Announces “Fire, Carbon Monoxide, Low Battery, or Smart..
Emits beeping tone followed by voice warning (“Fire! Fi..
Provides continuous protection and interconnects with u..
Adjusts its smoke sensitivity to better discriminate be..
Technologically advanced with a voice warning system th..
Voice warning system announces “Fire, Carbon Monoxide, ..
For continuous protection—even during a power outage. ..
Battery operated (wiring-free) for continuous protectio..
Kidde DC Smoke Alarm w/ Hush (Ionization), Clam Pack Mo..
Kidde DC Smoke Alarm w/ Tamper-Resistant Locking Pin (P..
Kidde Fire Sentry™ DC Smoke Alarm w/o Plate (Ionization..
Expands coverage of a current interconnected system. F..
Operates as a single unit or interconnected with up to ..