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Brayden JR CPR Mannequin Conversion Kit for Enhanced Life-Saving Training

Item #:79070

Brayden JR Conversion Kit

Easy to convert
Turn a Brayden Adult into a Brayden Junior within seconds

Cost effective
Purchasing different manikins is not required. You can use the same mannequin for different age groups

Anatomically correct
Visual distinction between adult and child

AHA and ERC modes
Conforming to both American Heart Association (AHA) and European Resuscitation Council (ERC) guidelines


Open up manikin and remove the adult spring.

Insert spring adaptor into the base of the manikin.

Connect the junior spring into the spring adaptor.

Connect the second spring adaptor to the rib frame.

Close the rib section, ensuring prongs are placed into the slots.

Replace adult face and body skin with junior face and body skin.

Price: $139.95

Shipping Weight: 6.00

Minimum order: 1

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