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Amerex® 30 lb ABC Fire Extinguisher with Brass Valve & Wall Hook for Complete Fire Safety Compliance

Item #:50658
Amerex® 30 lb ABC Compliance Flow Fire Extinguisher w/ Brass Valve & Wall Hook

Model Number: 589
Size: 30 lb
Dimensions: 26 1/2"H x 11"W x 8"D
Technical Data:
Model Number: 589
UL Rating: 10A:160B:C
Class: ABC
Cylinder Material: Steel
Operating Pressure: 240 psi
Temperature Range: -65°F to 120°F
Discharge Time: 34 sec
Discharge Range: 40–50 ft
Shipping Weight: 58 lb

Price: $941.14

Shipping Weight: 58.00

Minimum order: 1

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Amerex® 30 lb ABC Fire Extinguisher with Brass Valve & Wall Hook for Complete Fire Safety Compliance - (50658)

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