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3 Person Basic Emergency Kit for Survival Preparedness: Essential Supplies for Team Safety

Item #:11255
Your disaster supplies kit should contain essential food, water, and supplies for at least three days. Keep this kit in a designated place and have it ready in case you have to leave your home quickly. Make sure all family members know where the kit is kept. Additionally, you may want to consider having supplies for sheltering for up to two weeks.
Kit Content:
(1) Red Backpack
(3) Emergency Food Ration, 2400Cal, 5y Shelf Life, USCG Approved!
(18) Emergency Drinking Water Pouches, 4.22ozm 5y Shelf life, USCG Approved!
(1) Hand Squeeze LED Flashlight, No batteries required
(1) Plastic Safety Whistle w/Lanyard
(1) Emergency Communications Planning Card
(3) Emergency Blanket, reusable
(3) Emergency Rain Poncho, reusable, recyclable
(1) 37 Piece First Aid Kit

Price: $57.95

Shipping Weight: 13.00

Minimum order: 1

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3 Person Basic Emergency Kit for Survival Preparedness: Essential Supplies for Team Safety - (11255)

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