1 Month supply of emergency food for one person- with 2020 calories a day - Shipping Included
Best Value!
1 Month (30 Days)
Total Servings: 317
Total Calories: 60,810
Calories Per Person Per Day: 2,027
Serves 1 Person for 30 days (or 2 people for 15 days, etc)
A shortage of food can happen when not enough food is produced, such as when crops fail due to drought, pest, or too much moisture. The problem can also result from uneven distribution of natural resources. Food scarcity can happen on a city level, state level, continent level, or even a global level.
Epidemics, pandemics and disasters like earthquakes, storms, failing economies, fires, floods can also put us in a position where access to quality foods is not readily available. Being prepared and self-reliant are wise principles to live by. Each kit is packed with enough food to feed 1 person 2,020 calories per day for 30 days. That’s a lot of food in one kit!