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10 Person Deluxe 72 Hour Emergency Kit with Mayday Pouch Water | Essential Office Emergency Preparedness

Item #:455

This emergency kit contains everything you need in case of emergency for 10 people for up to 72 hours.

Kit Content: (10) Emergency Food Bars, 2400Cal
(10) Pouches of Emergency Water, 4.225oz (10) Solar Blankets
(1) Blue Tarp, 8' x 10' (2) Pair of Work Gloves
(50) Germicidal Tablets (12) Toilet Liners
(10) Moist Towelettes (50) Waterproof Matches
(1) NOAA/AM/FM/Solar Dynamo Radio (6) Lightsticks, 12 hour
(1) 123 Piece First Aid Kit (5) Emergency Candles
(5) Pair of Latex Gloves (1) Packet of Toilet Chemicals
(1) Pry Bar, 15" (1) D Cell Flashlight
(2) Alkaline Batteries for Flashlight (1) Roll of Caution Tape, 300'
(10) Face Masks (2) Port-a-Potties

Price: $229.95

Shipping Weight: 50.00

Minimum order: 1

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10 Person Deluxe 72 Hour Emergency Kit with Mayday Pouch Water | Essential Office Emergency Preparedness - (455)

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